Creating routines and automations in the new Innr app (for Bridge BG 220)
Program your smart Zigbee lights once, and enjoy automated lighting endlessly
By creating routines and automations in the Innr app, you can program your smart lights once, and enjoy automated lighting endlessly. We’re here to help you out with creating routines, timers, sunrise or sunset automations, or a wake-up or go to sleep automation!
What is a routine?
A routine is a setting for selected lights. With the Innr app, you can use preset routines, but you can also create your own. With routines, you can easily switch on the right mood. Routines also make it easy to schedule a daily program, adapted to your own daily routine.
Step by step creating a routine
- In the Innr app, go to the top right of your screen and tap the « + » icon.
- Tap « Add Routine », which is the second option in the screen.
- Choose a name for your routine.
- Choose an icon for your routine (this is optional).
- Select the devices you want to include in the routine.
- Tap on the device(s) to change its/their colour to your liking.
- Press « Save ».
The routine should be at the end of the list of routines.
What are timers?
A timer is a programmed moment for a light to go on, off or take on a routine you have set. You can find how to create a timer here.
Step by step creating timers
- When on the Homepage of the Innr App, there are two icons at the bottom of the screen, « Home » and « Automation ». Press « Automation ».
- You will now see a few automations we have already created, for your comfort. If these automations are not what you want, you can add an automation by tapping « + » at the top right of the screen.
- Press « Timers », which is the first option on the screen.
- Choose a name for your timer.
- Choose when you want this timer to activate. Swipe the hour and minute of the clock up or down to adjust it.
- Select what days you would like this timer to repeat on.
- Select a routine you would like this timer to have.
- Press « Save ».
- The timer will show up in the list « Timers » in the Automations screen. Switch the timer on or off by using the slider on the right. Pink means on, grey means off.
What is a sunrise & sunset automation?
A sunrise & sunset automation is an automation where a light will either turn off or on, when a sunrise or sunset occurs. You can also choose to have the light(s) turn off or on a certain time after or before a sunrise or sunset. The lights will turn on in case of a Sunset automation, the lights will turn off in case of a Sunrise automation.
How you can add a sunrise & sunset automation, will be explained here.
Step by step creating a sunrise & sunset automation
- When on the Homepage of the Innr App, there are two icons at the bottom of the screen, « Home » and « Automation ». Press « Automation ».
- You will now see a few automations we have already created, for your comfort. If these automations are not what you had in mind, you can add an automation by tapping « + » at the top right of the screen.
- Press « Sunrise & Sunset », which is the second option on the screen.
- Choose a name for the automation.
- Choose which option you would like to use, either Sunrise or Sunset.
- By tapping « Before/After », you can also choose to have the light turn on or off a certain time before or after the sunrise or sunset. Simply swipe down on the hour and minute to adjust it to your liking.
- Select what days you would like the automation to repeat on.
- Select a routine you would like the automation to have.
- Press « Save ».
- The automation will show up in the list « Sunrise & Sunset » in the Automations screen. Switch the timer on or off by using the slider on the right. Pink means on, grey means off.
What is a Wake-up/Go to Sleep automation?
A Wake-up automation is an automation that will gradually fade in lights to wake up with. A Go to Sleep automation is an automation that will gradually fade out lights to go to sleep with.
Step by step creating a Wake-up/Go to Sleep automation
- When on the Homepage of the Innr App, there are two icons at the bottom of the screen, « Home » and « Automation ». Press « Automation ».
- You will now see a few automations we have already created, for your comfort. If these automations are not what you had in mind, you can add an automation by tapping « + » at the top right of the screen.
- Press either « Wake Up » or « Go to Sleep », which is the third and fourth options on the screen.
- Choose a name for your automation.
- Choose a time when you either want to wake up, or go to sleep. Swipe up or down on the hour and minute to adjust the time to your liking.
- Then choose how fast you would like your lights to fade in or fade out. Swipe up or down to adjust the time to your liking.
- Select what days you would like the automation to repeat on.
- Tap « Use Devices » to select the devices you would like to use for the automation. You can select devices on the right of the screen, and a pink dot with a checkmark will appear when the device is selected.
- Press « Save ».
- The automation will show up in the list « Wake Up » or « Go to Sleep » in the Automations screen. Switch the automation on or off by using the slider on the right. Pink means on, grey means off.
We hope to have helped you with setting up timers and automations for your Innr lights. If you would like some visuals, you can also watch tutorial videos on how to create/adjust timers and automations.